Bible: Matthew 28: 16~20 2021. 04. 11
Title: The designated Mountain
16. Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. 17. When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. 18. Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20. and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." |
In the history of Christianity in Japan, there is an elder named Tamotsu Hasegawa. Throughout his life, he cared for tuberculosis patients, orphans, and the underprivileged elderly with the love of Jesus and harmonized Japan into a crucible of love.
Tamotsu Hasegawa participated in the Sino-Japanese War when he was a young man. Of course, no one would want war and not want to jump into middle of the fire. Although Hasegawa was forced to participate in the war in the recruitment of the country, he thought it was very inappropriate to participate directly in killing people according to the Bible.
So he prayed like this. God, although I had to participate in this inevitable war, please let me not participate in the killing of the life created by you but open the way for me to contribute in saving of life, instead.
This is not an easy prayer. It is necessary for soldiers participating in the war to engage in a fierce life-and-death battle with the enemy, but this prayer seemed reckless in some ways. Nevertheless, Elder Hasegawa Tamotsu believed in God's absolute sovereign providence.
After entering China for the first time, the elder was unfortunately caught in a big flood. The army and the soldiers who participated in the war could do nothing but got into panic in front of the massive disaster.
Furthermore, they were forced to do relief work in the middle of war for the victims of flood, because the flood has washed down houses and food, and made people become lethargic. And in the relief project, Elder Hasegawa Tamozhi was assigned to the advance team and worked as a leader. He set foot in China to fight the war, but he prayed that he would fully practice God’s word and join in saving lives to practice the love as Jesus’s teaching. And as a result, he was able to help the victims of the massive flood, the sudden natural disaster. And at the heart of the relief war, there was the elder Hasegawa Damozi.
Everyone, think about it. He did not wish to fight the enemy and take their lives, but rather prayed to be used to save life, and God sent a huge flood in response to the elder’s prayer of faith.
God answered the prayer of faith, and God answered the prayer of faith. That's right. If you pray and expect in faith for God's kingdom with hope in heaven, you will experience God's response, just like the elder Hasegawa Tamotsu, who helped save lives during the war.
I pray in the name of the Lord that all the members of our church who participated in this worship will be filled with such grace and blessings. The resurrected Jesus met his disciples and said this. Verse 16. " Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go.”
Hallelujah Amen. Eleven disciples headed to the mountain that Jesus had appointed which is located in Galilee, to meet the resurrected Jesus. Before crucifixion, Jesus usually asked his disciples to meet again at Galilee after the resurrection.
Then where is the mountain that Jesus has designated? Mount Hulmon, which provides clear, transparent crystal-like water in Galilee, is about 70km east of Galilee, and 70km is about the same distance from Pohang to Dongdaegu, so it is not close.
If you compare the meaning of the mountain designated by Jesus to the situation at the time when transportation methods were not developed, it would not be Mount Hulmon. Then, where is the mountain that he designated? The mountain, which sits on the hill and looks at Lake Galilee, is Mount Palbok, which refers to the Sermon on the Mount mentioned in Chapter 5 of the Gospel of Matthew.
Perhaps it is the most appropriate mountain for the meaning of the ‘designated mountain’ located in Galilee. Jesus climbed the Mount Palbok with his disciples and gave detailed instructions on how the people of heaven would live in this land.
The mountain where the Jesus told his disciples to meet after the resurrection is Mt. Palbok, where taught them the Sermon on the Mount. For the disciples, Mount Palbok is the place that touch disciples’ heart. In Mount Palbok, the disciples met the resurrected Jesus. Let's read the 17th verse together.
17. When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. |
Hallelujah, amen.
Now the disciples have met again with Jesus, where they were taught by Jesus and that he designated. ‘Heaven belongs to us, and whose spirits are poor will be blessed.’ Wouldn’t they have remembered the time they heard and be comforted by the voice of heaven?
They faced the resurrected Jesus on the mountain where they first met Jesus and decided to live according to the Sermon of mount. They were facing Jesus in a way that is more than touching. However, the 17th verse indicates that disciples had different responses. In the beginning, it says “we see Jesus and worship you”. What kind of pose did they look like? The word worship is “프로스퀘네요”, which means ‘kissing’ like a dog, licking its owner’ s had. I think it’s not that difficult to understand the situation. When you come back from a long outing, dogs approach you with a happy tail. And they rejoice their owner by licking had and shakes body loudly.
They will be same even if we don’t come back in a few days. In my case, I leave the church at dawn and stop by the rooftop garden in the morning, he always gladly lick my hand, wag his tail, run around, and follow me.
The meaning of worship can be said to be singing, congratulating, and worshiping for the joy of the resurrection of Jesus. We can imagine how joyful and thrilled Jesus’ resurrection would have been. Why? Because the “designated mountain” was the most memorable place to Jesus’ disciples as they met Jesus and learnt that they never heard before, the Sermon of mountain. That place, is the Mount Palbok. It was the place of beautiful lake, that they sit down and listen to the preach with a beautiful view, rest soul, get spirit and decided to live as a people of God’s kingdom.
There may be a home full of inspiration for those who longed for the love of Jesus throughout their religious lives and stayed up all night. Sometimes you think of your spiritual home, a place full of spiritual inspiration.
When you think of the place, you will be relieved that the beautiful memories of the place remain in our memory. Smiling, moving, and returning to vague memories, you will be relieved to see such a powerful and passionate piety.
In the name of the Lord, I pray that the spiritual memories of the members of our Church who participated in this service will be filled with moisture until they enter God's Land, and that peace and emotion will continue throughout your life.
Let’ s look at 1 John. John is impressed by Jesus, whom he met on the mountain where he commanded the inspiration of the mountain. Read John Chapter 1, Section 1, Section 2 together.
1. That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked at and our hands have touched--this we proclaim concerning the Word of life. 2. The life appeared; we have seen it and testify to it, and we proclaim to you the eternal life, which was with the Father and has appeared to us. |
His pupil John was shocked and recorded the text. Purpose of the Gospel is to know that Jesus is the Son of God, and that those who believe in him have eternal life. Jesus, Son of God, also said that God is Himself, and that we now see Him with our eyes and touch Him with our hands.
In John's letter, the disciples who worship Jesus resurrected in the mountains you have ordered are recorded in the writings and feelings which are so wonderfully ecstatic. When you see 2ns verve, he said, "we have seen it and testify to it, and we proclaim to you the eternal life, which was with the Father and has appeared to us."
Jesus, who became eternal life, came to the earth as a human with God’s word, and we could touch, see, and being together with him. Dear saints, this elegant confession of John could be a beautiful flavor-like confession because of the fact that he climbed the mountain Jesus has designated and reunite the resurrected Jesus with emotion.
Let’s go back to the text. The second half of the 17th verse said that there was a completely opposite group. "There are still people who are suspicious." People who are suspicious. what kind of doubt? It was doubt about Jesus’ resurrection. The doubters were witnessing Jesus same as other disciples on the mountain, where Jesus had designated and resurrected.
But they were still suspicious. Even though they were witnessing Jesus togather, the Creator, who gave us eternal life. It's a pity. Your eyes must be open. The divine eyes should be opened so that they can be seen by faith. The spirit must be opened.
We need a divine ear. You have to be able to hear the voice of God. Listen to God's voice. It is inevitable to listen to the sound of the world, but we must listen more carefully to the voice of God.
This is how Jesus orders his disciples.
18. Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. |
Hallelujah, amen.
He have given me all the power of heaven and earth. It's not a prophecy that he'll give it to us someday. It is a declaration that has already been given to the disciples who climbed the mountain ordered by Jesus with the eyes of faith. It appears as a feature of life to those who are intoxicated by the scent of Jesus and decide to give up all the pleasures of the world and follow only the Lord.
Dear saints, all the powers of heaven and earth are the tools of God's powerful power for the evidence of the gospel. There will be things you need for the gospel. We will have to fight against Satan's obstruction. That's when Jesus will give all the power of heaven and earth. To tell you the only reason for Jesus' resurrection, it is for the gospel.
Hallelujah, verse 19, verse 20.
19. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20. and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." |
For us, the subject of evangelical evidence is all ethnic groups. The development of science and technology represents tremendous progress in the gospel. What do you mean? I can't help but be surprised that the facts of the Bible, which were hidden in the past, are turning out to be true throughout the development of modern science.
In this century, the discovery of the remains of numerous Egyptian cavalry buried in the Red Sea proved scientifically that Moses led the people of Israel and crossed over the Red Sea like land. There was no reason for the Egyptian wagon wheel to be buried there for any other reason in the Red Sea, but it was surprising that it was an army of Egypt recorded in the Bible. Hallelujah.
How surprising is this? Not only that. Noah's Ark, now on top of Mount Ararat in Turkey, was discovered by the French military plane pilot. Later, it was confirmed by numerous explorers from all over the world, and it was also broadcast on Korean television programs, which led to a huge fire in the world.
My beloved saints, Jesus was not the one who suddenly appeared in Israel like a star. At least thousands of years ago, by the prophet's prophecy, he had already been prophesied hundreds of times, and he had promised at the exact time according to the prophecy. And as the Bible says, he died on the cross and resurrected three days later. And then he ascended. As Jesus ascended, he made an amazing promise. Let's see the Acts chapter1, verse 9 to 11.
Hallelujah, amen.
In particular, read verse 11. Jesus warned his disciples of the resurrection and asked them to meet again in Galilee. And the Galileans, the disciples of Jesus, those who are dedicated to the gospel of God, those who want to testify to the gospel at the end of the earth, those who do not hesitate to give life to the Lord, and the beloved saints who are sitting in this place.
Jesus, who has been raised to heaven among you, will come as he has seen in heaven. Jesus, who ascended to heaven, said that he would come back to heaven as he saw.
Then he tells his disciples the will that he has laid deep in the heart. "If the Holy Spirit comes to you, you will be my witness to Jerusalem, to Judea, to Samaria, and to the end of the earth." He said, "Hallelujah, be a witness to the end of the earth." Hallelujah
Dear Saints, the witness is called ‘Maltus’, which means martyr. When Jesus was crucified, he commanded his disciples to do this. You ought to love each other as I loved you. How did Jesus love us? As if I loved you, "The love of Jesus who saved our lives until we were crucified, fattened, and bled."
The Gospel is love, the Gospel is sacrifice, the Gospel is loss, the Gospel is concession, the Gospel is that we give life to our neighbors is the same as Jesus who guides us through life.
It’s giving at no price. It's a free gift. We have received our lives from the Lord for nothing, so we must give lives for our neighbors as well. You must give them to for nothing.
That's the gospel, and that's how Jesus loved us while we lived on this earth. It follows the path of the Lord, who sacrifices enough for the life of this land that he has given us. They follow with joy and gratitude. It's about having fun. We sing compliments and songs. We will run and celebrate. Hallelujah
I love the Lord. I adore the Lord. I look forward to you, Lord.
I praise the Lord. Hallelujah!