

Bible:1John 4:12 September 19th 2021

Title: Love Sunday Morning Service


1John 4:12 No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.



Lee YoungHo who was a Ministry of Athletics during Noh Tae Woo government publisehd a book namedLife is a Marathon without pre-rehearsal>. This is a book that had been published while Lee YoungHo, prior ministry of atheletics, was in the hospital due to cancer.


While he fight aginst the cancer, he joined a health lecture that some doctor has opened, and he heard very shoking lecture. What was it about the shoking things who was a minstry, Lee YoungHo? Lecturer said was about “It is not worth living without helping others in the world.” I menas this world has no meanings to live for the people who live in this world without helping others.


After hearing this, Ministry Lee YoungHo was shocked like he was hit by a big ax. The lecturer who had lecture at that time was a one of the famous persons. In the middle of lecture, the lecturer gave vibrant experiences of patients that he had seen, and he treated very cold if he judged the patient is the one who only thinks about himself.


And furthermore, he says shocking things like it is no need tolet them live the person like that. It was truly meaningful. In addition, he said like this. When you are living life, there is no enough time for the people who are helping neighbors, and is there any need to put effort for the people who only live for themselves?


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