
Title : Be filled with the Holy Spirit

Scripture : Ephesians 5:17~18

Title : Be filled with the Holy Spirit


17 Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is.

18 Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit,



Yeondong Church in Seoul was established in 1894, and there was a man who became the first elder in that church, whose name is Ko Chan-ik. Yeondong Church was established in the era of Joseon Dynasty, and discriminatory caste society was prevailed in that era, with the values of yangban and sangnom, meaning the noble and not.


And among the low birth, there were a few people who were ranked in the lowest and Elder Ko Chan-ik was from the lowest rank. He was pessimistic about his status and lived a life of profligacy by falling into alcohol and gambling every day, and was deeply indebted to gambling.


It was a usual thing to harm others, and was taken to government houses, beaten several times, and attempted suicide because of gambling and debt demands. He didn’t have a single name, for he was a low ranked person. So people called him just Mr. Ko.


One day such an amazing thing happens to him. The reason for the incident was through missionary Gail, who was the first pastor of Yeondong Church at the time.


Gail was a bachelor missionary who stepped on Korean soil came from Canada. Ko received evangelism from Gail missionary and came to believe in Jesus. At that time, missionary Gail handed over a mission paper about Jacob in the Old Testament, which contained a question, “What is your name?”



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