
Bible: Betjeon 1:22 to 25 …


Bible: Betjeon 1:22 to 25                                                           
Title: Clean Soul                                                                          Lord’s day Worship


22. Clean your soul and love your brother without lies, by obeying the truth. With your heart, love each other.
23. You're not born to waste away. Rather God, who is alive made seeds that won'
24. So, all flesh is like grass, all glory is like a flower of grass, and the grass is dry, and the flowers fall.
25. LORD explained in every detail, and this is the word of the gospel I have been told to you

People who usually live with their own superiority sit together and talk with a group of church members. Hey, guys! There is a bestseller in Korean bookstores these days, do you know what that bestseller is! ~~ And then the congregation become silent.

How can you live with pride? Because prices have gone through the roof recently and inflation is high all over the world. In this regard, the best seller in bookstores is Surviving Inflation.



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