Flourishing of the righteous
12.The righteous will flourish like a palm tree, they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon;
13.planted in the house of the LORD, they will flourish in the courts of our God.
14.They will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green,
15.proclaiming, "The LORD is upright; he is my Rock, and there is no wickedness in him."
The new years are coming what we have expected. This year, the new government will be start. So we have great expectation for them. On the contrary to this, if we have too expectation for them, we also are disappointed deeply. In the age of the Ko ku-ryu. there was a man who finished his army service. He came back to home but he was depressed. Because he got a big hurt in his mind during army. So he didn't want to meet anyone and just kept in his home. He just stayed at home by himself. So his wife was worried about him. She met a the best wise man in that age and talked to her's worry. Then He laughed broadly and said to her "It's very simple!"
And that time, Her's ears pricked up and she got a hope. Then he said again. "If you get a tiger's mustache, your husband will be fine soon." However, it's a problem. Who will can do it? She was agonized. But, There is a way out of every situation, however bad. She got a good way. It is that when the tiger comes, put down to the food on the way of his. When he had a food, maybe his mustache will fall out.
She put down a food the route of tiger. And then tiger previse her. But he ate it soon. She kept to feed the tiger and sometimes he saw her. A day later and a week, a month, in the end, six month later. The tiger get close to her. So he didn't attack her though she was close him. He didn't bite her because she was kind and gave the food everyday with her's wholeheart. Sometimes She stroked his neck and body affectionately.
And 1 years later, she was able to fall out to his mustache. And she was impressive. Then she went to a wise man. And showed a mustache to him proudly. She asked to him "A wise men, now what should I do?"
Then he said to her "Do as you did. Remember your first time. You want to treat your husband wholeheartedly. So you do as you did." Yes. It is the new years. We have a many plans and hope to many things. However, the first step is very important. first mind is also. And the first love is as important. They need the patience and waiting. That is the procedure of making it.
I thought that how can start this year? It's a common things of the people. Especially "The new year thanks-worship is different to Christian. How could we live by faith and trust God this year? How could we live like a good people in Bible. This text shows it. How blessed it is to live by faith Psalms chapter 92 verse 12-15 wrote it very detail.
Today I want to share the 'flourishing of the righteous' with this message. I hope to you know it. How blessed it is to live by faith. And may the bless with you whom live by faith.
1. The righteous will flourish and will grow.
Let's read verse 12 together.
12.The righteous will flourish like a palm tree, they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon;
Amen. The righteous is people want to live by faith. Bible wrote that they will flourish. The Lion is the king of animals. The eagel is the king of the birds. And then, what is the king of trees? That answer is "a cedar". What is the cedar? It lives in area which is written in bible. And it adapt to climate well. The middle east which is written in bible is a desert. It's very dry. Moreover, sandstorm is to hard. So it is hard. If you doesn't wrap your face with cloth, you would not breath.
A woman in middle east took a chador and hijab. Because it makes them avoid from the blazing sun. So we can know that these area is very hard condition without cap or cloth
But a cedar is very growing up well. When a day time, blazing sun is coming. So temperature is close to the 50℃. However when the night, it close to the 0℃ and become a very cold. It overcome this daily range like as bad condition.
It also rooted on the ground when the tiny seed spreaded out to trees. And it will grows up. Surprisingly, the tiny seed grows to overcome the bad conditions and day range. In the end it grows to the 40 meters. When we walk the street we can see the telegraph pole. The highest one is a 17meters. Suppose that, a cedar is two times taller than telegraph pole. And telegraph pole is about 40meter. Isnt it amazing? A big cedar's girth is 10m. When a man stretch his arms, then it's about 1.50m. If they surround it, it needs 7 men.
It's a great tree. Today text compare the righteous who lives by faith to a cedar. Yes, they will grow up like it. It means to grow without limits. Of course. God make them to grow up their faith. Reaching to the sky growing up and growing up again.
Like fertilize a shoes. It is growing very well.
Moreover, it have a means. Literally, it has a 100 scents. So The best old church was made of this. Becuase it has a good scents.
I though that it is really great tree. By the way, the author of Psalms compare a cedar to the righteous. A man who live by faith is like a cedar.
Dear congregation, what kind of scent person has it? Yes, a cedar scent will your neighbor. Let's said it together. You have a good scent, like a cedar. How wonderful it is!This text compare that the righteous will flourish like a palm tree. Halleluijah.
This palm trees are belong to a palmetto. It's like that. Once I had gone to the Kaohsiung in Tiwan. The capital is in the north and Kaohsiung is in the south. The most of east-south Asia country has a palm trees grove.But Kaohsiung was a full of palm trees. When I took a bus and saw it, but it was extended endlessly.
2.Planted in the house of the LORD
13.planted in the house of the LORD, they will flourish in the courts of our God.
Today it wrote the 13 reasons why the righteous will flourish.
That is planted in the house of the LORD, alos NIV wrote as it.
It planted in the house of the 'Lord' Why they flourish? because they are planted in the house of the LORD. If we change it to the meaning of the new testments, It will be a IN CHRIST, Hen Cristo , It is the in Jesus. Halleluijah! Dear congregation, We are the righteous in faith, we are also planted in the house of the LORD. When we are in Jesus, we grow up and will flourish.
That is the key point of today. Then what's the meaning of in Jesus and planted the house of the Lord? Let's read John chapter 15 verse 7 together.
7.If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you.
It means the keep the bible and live by God's word. Halleluijah!
What's the meaning of the righteous? Bible justified them as live by faith. Then, what they believe it? It is the word of God. If we believe and obey His word, we also experienced like the author of Psalms. Ad we will grow up like a cedar and will flourish like a palm tree.
Therefore it is very important for Christian to live by faith and to believe God's word. Congregation must believe His word and believe it.
Surprisingly, the depth of faith depend on how he obey to God's word.
There is a 4th Commandment said that 'Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. People who have no faith, they barely keep Sunday as a Sabbath day. It's like me. "If you keep your feet from breaking the Sabbath". Now I barely keep it.
The Sabbath is the holy day of Lord. That is to say Holy day. We must keep the sun day. Also, we think that we are foreigner. So we do not have to do that. It's wrong. Whether Korean or foreigner keep the sabbath and do our best beyond our nation and ethnic groups. And don't make the God's word lose color.What's the difference between the righteous and the evil? They both can not see the God as their eyes. However, the righteous see the God as his eyes of mind and obey God's word and live it
While the evil could not see the God. So they said their heart "There is no God." and don't believe him. the planted means that the God's word are planted in his heart. God's word used in bible like a cedar. A tiny seed become a very huge tree such as 40m, that was a word of God.
3. The eternal life.
Let's read verse 14-15 together.
14.They will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green,
15.proclaiming, "The LORD is upright; he is my Rock, and there is no wickedness in him."
The most important thing is a life in the world. Last weeks, I heart the vert shocking news. Dr Hwang who called 'laugh-doctor' died from acute blood poisoning. It was verty shocked. Just day before he pass awayed he gave us to big humor. But he passed away suddenly. Sometiems I don't understand what is the life. However we don't have to sad or wonder with anger. Because he was a man of faith. That is to say, he was a righteous. Also when we saw the chapter 14. "They will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green. Even though he was old, he still has a fruitful. When the man of faith grows up, he has a good character. Let's live like a man who want to be and long for to look like them.
Today Bible wrote that "They will still bear fruit in old age". The man living by faith are also good when they were young. Also they will still live good life. Above all, It is very important for us to the last day of our life.
He passed away, but he had lived very healthy and he came to the Lord. So I though that he was very happy. What's it mean? The righteous live by faith and suddenly when God 'call' to him, then he just left this world.
Paul said it "If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are to be pitied more than all men." But If we look at it the other way, live by faith and passed away. That is the most blessed and happy. In the verse 15, it wrote that even the righteous are old still had a bless. 15 proclaiming "The LORD is upright; he is my Rock, and there is no wickedness in him." The righteous live without fear. Because it is God's mercy and his care and his righteous and his faithful. It's God.
Yes, We live by God's bless and with His help. Fianlly, we turned to the God. Dear congregation! It begins the new year. How can you live? Yes, that's it. We must live by faith. It will make us to live. It's the blessing. May victory to our life by faith and bless you this year in the name of Jesus.