
What is the real godliness?

0 2,164 2017.02.03 14:04
What is the real godliness?

벧후 1:5그러므로 너희가 더욱 힘써 너희 믿음에 덕을, 덕에 지식을,
6.지식에 절제를, 절제에 인내를, 인내에 경건을,
7.경건에 형제 우애를, 형제 우애에 사랑을 더하라
5. For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith  goodness; and to goodness, knowledge;
6. and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control,  perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness;
7.and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love.

 The masterpiece of faith is to being a Jesus. We would become 'small Jesus'. We also have heart of Jesus. It is meek and humble. And it's prefer respecting other. Paul wanted to resemble Jesus and wrote it  to Church in Philippi.    Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus." We would desire and admire it.  In the morning, I bless you Who come to here to worship from the five major oceans and in all six continents of the world. And I hope to fill His mind up to you.

 The heart of Jesus is gentle and meek. It's from the love of cross. So the best thing is to act in our life. Like Jesus Christ.We need to pray. When we try to live Jesus, we are aware of our limit. And we feel that we hit the wall. That's why we need to pray. We couldn't do ourself and recognize our limit.  Paul wrote the letter to Church in Philippi. He confessed that "What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death?". Beuase he knew his limit.

However, If you believe it, God give faith to us. And He choose us and make us grow up in faith.  Then He can trun our mistakes ,handicap weakness into good chance in Jesus Christ. It cannot emphasis on too important of faith in our faith. If we go beyond our faith, we realize that how important to being a good model in faith.
It contains such as to give up, understanding, to patience, to go behind However, If we open our eyes in faith, we desire a holy life and want to live. Then bible says that It is exactly similar to  living in high grade in faith. Let's read 2 peter chapter 1 verse 5-7 together.

The best goal is to resemble jesus in our faith life. If our faith begins from believe, godliness is stage before go to acting like Jesus. It is very important.  May bless to us who come to here in the early morning. And I hope that you'll have that habit in your life.Godliness was mentioned by bible many times. Then it is very important to know and understand of the meaning of the 'Godliness' and how to live a holy life as a Christian.
Let's read James chapter 1 verse 27 together.Amen. We must accept to what bible said to us and what is the real religion. It's the highest level in faith. Moreover, it's the course to christian who want to live in Jesus as a Christian. It protect us from the world. It doesn't fall into evil ways. We didn't live fashionably in the world. We refuse the custom, trend, history.

The basic of the godliness is starting from the set up the right world-view and escape from the standard of the world. When we see the James, It shows the basic that is "to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. "
  To keep myself form being polluted by the world. It has a four meanings. ① means makes it dirty and dangerous. corrupt, condemn
② deprave  ③    lead a person astray  ➃ contaminate

We prevent ourselfs from the sin. We should not be corrupted. Corruption also has a both physical and mental. We keep away from temptation. And do not seduce others. A holy person help people live with godliness and high standard of virtue.

It means that they don't seduce others and should not be tempted. That shows how to protect us from the sin.
God had decided to judge the city of Sodom because  they were very severe in corruption. The best example in corruption is sexaul corruption. Even, homosexual love impairs human's basic moral severely.

God hates it. It destroy principle of God and defy the providence of God totally .Their worst sin was 'severe homosexual love'. When angels came to Lot and his family, they threated Lot because they wanted to get them.
They wanted to sleep with them. Homosexual love was accepted officially. Even it had formed a bedrock of their society. In Russia, they have been passing a bill about anti homosexual. It contains to prevent a sex change operation. 

Uganda in Africa, they have been trying to pass a bill about homosexual excution. The problem is that people who support homosexual and against their bill. Most of them are in Europe and the U.S    It's an unheard-of event. God created all of plants and animals and it devide their gender as male and female. In Christianity, they denounce it because it destroy the principle of God and break the moral and anti-human.

Especially Uganda in Africa, they against the homosexual. AIDS, it originated from homosexual. It makes the AIDS even children become a patience. And it is severe in society. It desolate a society because many children and women become a AIDS patiences. Moreover fatality in AIDS is very high. That's why people against the homosexual.

We ban smoking in public place. Because it makes people be exposed to  second-hand smoking. Non-smoker must do their duty that make smoker colud not smoke in public place.When smoker realize that it is very harmful to people and it's very shameful. Then they will stop it.Today, Christian who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be determinded to have a risk.
In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted, In 2 Timothy 3:12.If they want to live a godly life and want to keep themselves from evel, they must have to take a risk.What is the standard of a godly life?First, Keep you from the wolrd. Live by God's world. I bless you and hope you will be live by that. And then, what is the standard of a goldy life? In other word, Christian want to be live holy life. Whah is the standard? Bible already said it.

Let's read 1 Timothy verse 4 chapter 5 together.

디모데전서 4:5
하나님의 말씀과 기도로 거룩하여짐이니라
5. because it is consecrated by the word of God and prayer.


 It is the key to live a godly life in Bible. People those who are non c hristian, they accept wife-swapping without reserve. Because their world view was wrong.Bible shows the clear model.
시편 기자는 시편 119:105  주의 말씀은 내 발에 등이요 내 길에 빛이니이다
105.Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.

 God make a rule that is in the holy Bible. It is foundation of the law in the world. Therefore, the holy Bible is very important. Reading a bible make us be on the right side. Meditating Bible is our duty as christina who are distinguished by God. It is important to read a bible and living like bible. Trough by the Old Testment and the New Testment, it emphasis on to live by it.

We must read a bible. When we don't have a one meal in a day, we are hungry.  If we don't keep have a meal, we'll suffer from malnutrition. And it will become a accident. Bible is meal of spirit to Christian. If you want your spirit to be healthy, you must read the bible. If you read 3 chapters of the Bible everyday from Monday through Saturday and 5 chapters on Sunday for a year, you will have finished reading the whole Bible in a year. If you read 10 chapters of the Bible everyday you will have finished reading the whole Bible in a 4 months. read 20 chapters, will have finished it within a 2 months, read 40 chapters, you will have finished it a month.

When we read the bible, we can experience thing amazingly. It is good for our spirit and will be teach us. It make me know what is wrong and right so it will be us fruitful as a people of God.  May bless you and I hope you become a people of God. And read a bible. Not only reading a bible, but also reciting it is important. Therefore on February, we wiil recite a bible before having a lunch.Every year, we have a reciting bible is our program in  VIP Summer Bible Came. That's why? Because it is most important to us.

 People who lived in the Old Testment time, they knew it. So they want to their children read it. They put sweet on the bible and wrote in and put on their hands and their home. So their children was able to recite easily. Nowadays, it is really really good time to read a bible. We can use not only a bible as a book, but also  smartphone, internet. There is a lot of reading bible condenser in the world.

If you want to read a bible, there is no problem. Our Church homepage www.kd77.kr , you can use it. I bless you and hope to read a bible.  If we want to live a godly life we have to read it. Surprisingly, when we read a bible, The holy spirit give us to impression, and make us mediate it and praying. Although we couldn't live by bible, He will give impression to us. And It change our word, habit soundly.

Normally, it is not easy to change our habit. Before Changing it, we change our mind. However, the bible said to us. It is praying that the way to change our mind and thinking. How could we change our mind? The only way is that when the holy spirit lead you and when you are praying.
 빌 4:6~7

  빌4:6-7아무 것도 염려하지 말고 오직 모든 일에 기도와 간구로, 너희 구할 것을 감사함으로 하나님께 아뢰라
그리하면 모든 지각에 뛰어난 하나님의 평강이 그리스도 예수 안에서 너희 마음과 생각을 지키시리라
 6.Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition,      with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  7. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your        hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Pray make us not only change our think, but also make us decide to right way and apply it. And we can realize that It is the bless. God give a mercy to me. Therefore, praying is important. A christian who want to be a godly life, Praying will be part of their life. Praying is a habit. If you want to come our ealry prayer meeting, you must sleep early. If you do not, it's impossible.

If you want to pray in evening, you should give up to watch TV. And you work on self-control. It is not a just one time or two time. It's our habit and a godly life. In other word, it's praying habit. And it'll be a part of our life.
 Dear congregtation, We must live a godly life. If we want to be it, we must overcome something. That is the wakening in the early morning. We should read a bible and catch it and pray for that could live what bible siad to me.

Before praying, we need to self-control. We must give up our habit. We hope to prefer God to other things. 
We set our minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. We ought to love Jesus. When we  have a relationship with him, It will make us mature, faithful and lead us to the people of God. I believe you will get a heart of Jesus and resemble him.



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