
숨겨진99% 보이는1%

0 2,799 2017.02.03 16:24
성경:창13:4~18 주일낮예배
제목:숨겨진99% 보이는1%

4. 그가처음으로제단을쌓은곳이라그가거기서여호와의이름을불렀더라
5. 아브람의일행롯도양과소와장막이있으므로
6. 그땅이그들이동거하기에넉넉하지못하였으니이는그들의소유가많아서동거할수없었음이니라
7. 그러므로아브람의가축의목자와롯의가축의목자가서로다투고또가나안사람과브리스사람도그땅에거주하였는지라
8. 아브람이롯에게이르되우리는한친족이라나나너나내목자나네목자나서로다투게하지말자
9. 네앞에온땅이있지아니하냐나를떠나가라네가좌하면나는우하고네가우하면나는좌하리라
10. 이에롯이눈을들어요단지역을바라본즉소알까지온땅에물이넉넉하니여호와께서소돔과고모라를멸하시기전이었으므로여호와의동산같고애굽땅과같았더라
11. 그러므로롯이요단온지역을택하고동으로옮기니그들이서로떠난지라
12. 아브람은가나안땅에거주하였고롯은그지역의도시들에머무르며그장막을옮겨소돔까지이르렀더라
13. 소돔사람은여호와앞에악하며큰죄인이었더라
14. 롯이아브람을떠난후에여호와께서아브람에게이르시되너는눈을들어너있는곳에서북쪽과남쪽그리고동쪽과서쪽을바라보라
15. 보이는땅을내가너와네자손에게주리니영원히이르리라
16. 내가네자손이땅의티끌같게하리니사람이땅의티끌을능히셀수있을진대네자손도세리라
17. 너는일어나그땅을종과횡으로두루다녀보라내가그것을네게주리라
18. 이에아브람이장막을옮겨헤브론에있는마므레상수리수풀에이르러거주하며거기서여호와를위하여제단을쌓았더라

4. and where he had first built an altar. There Abram called on the name of the LORD.
5. Now Lot, who was moving about with Abram, also had flocks and herds and tents.
6. But the land could not support them while they stayed together, for their possessions were so great that they were not able to stay together.
7. And quarreling arose between Abram's herdsmen and the herdsmen of Lot. The Canaanites and Perizzites were also living in the land at that time.
8. So Abram said to Lot, "Let's not have any quarreling between you and me, or between your herdsmen and mine, for we are brothers.
9. Is not the whole land before you? Let's part company. If you go to the left, I'll go to the right; if you go to the right, I'll go to the left."
10. Lot looked up and saw that the whole plain of the Jordan was well watered, like the garden of the LORD, like the land of Egypt, toward Zoar. (This was before the LORD destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.)
11. So Lot chose for himself the whole plain of the Jordan and set out toward the east. The two men parted company:
12. Abram lived in the land of Canaan, while Lot lived among the cities of the plain and pitched his tents near Sodom.
13. Now the men of Sodom were wicked and were sinning greatly against the LORD.
14. The LORD said to Abram after Lot had parted from him, "Lift up your eyes from where you are and look north and south, east and west.
15. All the land that you see I will give to you and your offspring forever.
16. I will make your offspring like the dust of the earth, so that if anyone could count the dust, then your offspring could be counted.
17. Go, walk through the length and breadth of the land, for I am giving it to you."
18. So Abram moved his tents and went to live near the great trees of Mamre at Hebron, where he built an altar to the LORD.

가끔보면영안을신기한것을보는눈으로오해하는사람들이있습니다. 그래서신비주의이단이생기는것입니다. 영안이란‘신기한것을보는눈’이라기보다는‘하나님의뜻을바로보는눈’을뜻합니다.
Sometimes people find “spiritual awareness” intriguing and often misunderstand it. Misunderstanding of this mystical phenomena is often why cults are formed. Spiritual awareness is more about ‘understanding / seeing God’s will with the right eye’ rather than ‘eyes that see miraculous things. 

즉하나님의주권과손길을느끼면서하나님의뜻을이해하고하나님의방법을따르려는것이영안이열린것입니다. 하나님의뜻과방법이무엇일까요? 그핵심은바로십자가와나눔입니다. 결국천국과지옥을보는삶이영안이열린삶이아니라하나님의뜻을따라십자가를지고나누려는삶이영안이열린삶입니다.
Similarly, spiritual awareness is a way for us to understand and encounter God’s power and will which leads us to follow God’s Way. What is God’s will and his way? The answer to this question is the cross and sharing. A life of spiritual awareness is not one where we physically see the heaven and hell, but a life where we carry our cross and live of life of sharing.

우리가눈에보이는것은보이지것은1%이고눈에보이지않은내면은내면은99%입니다. 사람들은눈에보이는1%를위해모든것을투자합니다. 참한편으로보면매우어리석은생각입니다. 눈에보이지않지만우리내면속에있는99% 그것은지혜,영감, 믿음, 영성, 하나님의비젼, 즉성경에서보는무형의자산들이엄청나게있다는것입니다.
Our external physique that we see, make up to only 1% of us. The other  99% of us is internal, our inner thoughts and character. But the world often focuses on the 1% that they see. This seems quite foolish. Though we cannot physically observe our internal thoughts, our wisdom, spiritual awareness, faith, spirituality, Vision in God, It makes up 99% of us and are great assets in terms of sprituatlity.

그래서그것을이끌어내고,개발하고, 살리고, 그런노력과좋은환경을만드는것이인생에대한설계라고할수있습니다. 대부분사람들은눈에보이는현상들을중요시합니다그래서사람들은외모를중요시합니다.
We should elicit the 99%, develop it, save it and use our life and effort to make such development. A lot of people today focus on the outward appearance. This is way they put great emphasis on the way they look.

But once we realise how the things inside of us are much more important than the physical things we observe and also realise how vast the world is, we will no longer spend our lives following the things that we see physically.

여러분눈에보이는것은한편으로는,그것만구한다면어리석은것입니다. 눈에는보이지않지만무형의자산을준비할수있는그런지혜가저와여러분에게필요한것입니다. 그것이무엇입니까?믿음의세계입니다. 눈에는보이지않지만믿음의세계의중요성은세삼말씀드리지않아도잘알수있습니다.
It is foolish to continuously pray only for the things you can observe physically. We need the wisdom to understand that the things that are necessary are not observable with the naked eye. They are internal yet are great assets. What are they? It’s a life of faith. Faith is something that no one can see yet, I do not need to explain the necessity of faith and how important it is to us.

이세상을살아갈때도믿음으로살아가야합니다. 믿음의눈을열고,믿음으로설계하고믿음으로미래를바라보고살아야합니다. 오늘본문은함과롯이선택한보이는1%의선택과보이지는않지만믿음으로선택한아브라함의99%의선택을보여주고있습니다.
As we live our lives today, we need to live it by faith. We should open our spiritual eyes, and start planning for our future by faith. In Genesis, we see Abraham and Lot make a decision between the 1% they could see and the 99% they could not see.

Like Abraham and Lot, our lives are full of choices.

아브라함과조카인롯은목축업을했습니다. 양떼와소떼가불어나늘우물문제때문에다툼이짙었습니다. 사막에서물문제는생명처럼소중한것입니다. 특히목축업을하는입장에서우물의문제는최고의사안이라고할수있습니다.
In verse 6, “but the land could not support them while they stayed together, for their possessions were so great that they were not able to stay together.”
Abraham and his nephew Lot were both engaged in stock farming. They both had a lot of cattle and their servants got into frequent fights over the water resources. In the desert, water is as precious as life. It would not be wrong to say that as a stock farmer water problems could be seen as the biggest problem that they could have.

아브라함과롯은삼촌과조카의관계입니다. 아브라함과조카인롯이다툰것은아니었지만그들의가축을맡고있는목자들이물문제로문제가불어진것입니다. 결국그들의손에서문제가해결되지못했습니다.
Abraham and Lot were family relatives. Abraham was Lot’s uncle. Through this was not a direct fight between Abraham and Lot, it was a problem between their servants that they needed to solve.

결국아브라함과조카인롯이이문제로만나게된것입니다. 사막에서물문제는생명의문제와동일하다고했습니다. 한치의양보도할수없는상황입니다. 관계는삼촌과조카의혈연적인관계가존재하지만,경제적인문제가크게대두되기때문에양보할수없는상황이었습니다.
This is why Lot and Abraham got together. As I said before, threats of water shortages were as serious as life threats in the desert. It was something that was hard to conceded upon even if they were family because the economical consequences were very big.

본문11절에는롯의선택을볼수있습니다. 다함께10~11절을읽습니다.
In verse 11, we see Lot’s decision. Let us read verse 10-11 together.

10. 이에롯이눈을들어요단지역을바라본즉소알까지온땅에물이넉넉하니여호와께서소돔과고모라를멸하시기전이었으므로여호와의동산같고애굽땅과같았더라.
11. 그러므로롯이요단온지역을택하고동으로옮기니그들이서로떠난지라.

10. Lot looked up and saw that the whole plain of the Jordan was well watered, like the garden of the LORD, like the land of Egypt, toward Zoar. (This was before the LORD destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.)
11. So Lot chose for himself the whole plain of the Jordan and set out toward the east. The two men parted company:

아멘.롯은눈에보이는우선적인선택을했습니다. 롯이택한땅은단어자체로만보아도매우매력이있는선택이라고생각할수있습니다. 우선목축을하기에최우선의선택인물이넉넉하다고햇습니다히브리어는넉넉하다는단어를영어콜이라는단어를사용했는데이단어는카랄이라는어원에서유래했다고합니다카랄이라는어원은완성하다완전케하다성취하다는뜻을가졌고,이런어원적인의미로볼때‘물이넉넉하다’는의미는물문제때문에더이상어려움을당하지않는그러한상태완성하다완전케하다는의미를지니고있다는것입니다.
Amen. Lot made a decision based on what he could see. The land Lot chose looked good, well watered perfect for farming. In Hebrews the word for plentiful is ‘Col’ which originated from Calal which means to complete, to perfect or to achieve. Understanding the origns of this word, and how it was used in order to talk about the water, we can see that the land Lot chose was a land where water was plentiful, perfect and complete.

롯의선택은그야말로이상적이었습니다. 누가보아도탁월하고명쾌한선택최고의선택이었다고결론을내릴수있습니다.
또보십시오. 롯이선택한지역이요단온지역이었다고했습니다. 그요단온지역이라는영역안에는소돔과고모라가포함되어있고롯이선택한지역의영역안에있다는것을알수있습니다.
Lot made the logical, rational choice. Everybody could agree that Lot made the best choice. It is also important to note that the Land Lot chose was in Jordan near Sodom and Gomorrah.

10절후반절에는그지역을선택한탁월성에대해극찬을해놓았는데“여호와의동산같고애굽땅과같았더라.” 고했습니다. Niv에서는like the garden of the LORD 라고했습니다. LORD의동산이라는단어를여호와라고번역을했는데아마여호와의동산의의미를어떤의미로해석을했을까?
아마저는여호와의동산이라고하면가장먼저떠오르는장소가‘에덴동산’을생각해보았습니다. 여호와의동산같았더라는해석을하나님께서창조하신‘에덴동산’ 같았더라라고해도크게무리가없다고느껴지는것은좀전에생각해보았던카랄이라는어원을유추한다면그렇게도상상이가능할것입니다.
In verse 10, we see how the land Lot chose was “like the garden of the Lord.” What do you think the author meant by the land was “like the garden of the Lord”? When I think about the garden of the Lord, I naturally think of the Garden of Eden. When the land is described as being like the perfect garden created at the beginning of the world, we can start to imagine how prosperous and plentiful the land Lot chose was.

In conclusion, Lots choice was not only perfect in his own eyes but even in the eyes of others. It was for the best and it seems like Lot would not regret from this choice.

그러나결과론적으롯의선택은후회가막급한안타까운결정이었다는것이오늘본문창13장의제언입니다. 그이유는아브라함의선택을하나하나생각해보고또한선택결정이전에선택의이유에대해분석해보면롯의선택이불행한선택이었는가하는사실을알게되는것입니다. 먼저8~9절의말슴을함께읽습니다.
However, Lot does regret and suffer from the choice that he made. And this could be seen in today’s passage in genesis 13. From understanding how Abraham made his decision, and the process that he went through, we can understand why Lot’s decision was not the best decision. Lets read verses 8-9 together.

8. 아브람이롯에게이르되우리는한친족이라나나너나내목자나네목자나서로다투게하지말자
9. 네앞에온땅이있지아니하냐나를떠나가라네가좌하면나는우하고네가우하면나는좌하리라
8. So Abram said to Lot, "Let's not have any quarreling between you and me, or between your herdsmen and mine, for we are brothers.
9. Is not the whole land before you? Let's part company. If you go to the left, I'll go to the right; if you go to the right, I'll go to the left."

Amen. Behind Abraham’s choice, we see great regards, concessions, and love for his nephew Lot.

It is easy for us to depreciate Abrahams’s action solely on his love for his nephew, however one must understand that though we see his love and appreciation of his nephew, his decision was also set in the will of God, acknowledging him as the all-powerful God.

무슨말입니까?아브라함의99%의선택은아브라함자신의선택이전에우리인생의생사화복을주장하시는하나님의선택이라는사실입니다. 아브라함이갈대아우르를떠나올때하나님은아브라함을선택하셨습니다그때아브라함의나이가75세입니다. 갈대아우르에서아브라함은유지로써부족함없이생활했습니다.
What does this mean? Abraham’s decision was based on the 99%. His decision was based on God’s will who knows everything about Abraham and his life, rather than his own decision and knowledge. When Abraham left Ur at God’s calling, God had chosen him. Abraham was 75 years old at that time. In Ur, Chaldeans, Abraham lived a life that was plentiful.

그의경제적인규모를어떻게짐작할수있습니까?조카인롯은소알의온땅을선택하고그가주거지로정한곳은소돔성이었습니다. 그런데그소돔성의왕이다른국가왕들과전쟁을하다가패전하고결국소돔성에주거하던롯도그의가족과가축과모든것을빼앗기고심지어포로로잡혀갔습니다.
How can we tell that he was wealthy? When Lot moved to live near Sodom, the king of Sodom was at war with the surrounding kings. They lost and Sodom was stripped of their wealth and men taken as slaves. Even Lot was taken in captive with the other sodomites.

그때아브라함이이소식을듣고집에서길리고훈련하고연습한군사318명을거느리고롯을포로로잡아가는군대를격파하게됩니다. 여러분한번생각해보십시오.아브라함의집에서길리운자가318명이라고했습니다. 참적지않은사람입니다. 군대입니다. 그렇다면집에서길리운318명의군인들을유지하고그들을입히고먹으려면얼마나많은재정지원이되어야할까하는상황을우리는이해할수있습니다.
When Abraham heard of the news, he took 318 trained men to attack the men who had taken his nephew captive. Let us think about this. The number of men Abraham had trained in his household was 318. That is not a small number but an army. So how much money does it cost to train, feed, clothe and shelter 318 men?

아브라함에게는부족한것이없었습니다. 그럼에도불구하고그에게는한가지핸디캡이있었는데그것은무자, 즉자녀가없다는것입니다. 돈도있고명예도있고권력과힘도있었습니다. 그러나아브라함에게한가지없는것이있었는데그것이바로자녀였습니다. 할렐루야!~
Abraham was not in any need. Yet he lacked one thing and that was the fact that he had not children. He had Money, honour, authority and power. Yet he did not have any child. Hallelujah.

당시아브라함이살던족장시대의자녀는전통의화살과같은존재였습니다. 자녀는곧힘이었습니다. 자녀는곧축복이었습니다. 그런데그에게자녀가없다는것입니다. 아브라함이갈대아우르에서하나님의결정에선택할수밖에없는분명한이유입니다.
In the patriarchal age Abraham lived in, Children were deemed the arrows of tradition. Children represented power, blessing. But Abraham had no children. This was one reason Abraham was encouraged to leave Ur, Chaldeans, at the calling of God.

갈대아우르를떠나면,네자손을하늘의별과같이바다의모래알같이많아지게하리라. 모든민족이너로인해복을받을것이며네가축복하면복이임하고저주하면저주가임하게하겠다는파격적인제안입니다. 아브라함의소원은오직자녀입니다. 자신이이루어놓은어마어마한재산과부귀와영화와권력과명예를지키고유지시킬수있는자녀입니다.
Abrahams’s only wish was to have a child. A child that would protect and uphold the enormous amount of riches, wealth and honor that Abraham had. God had promised that if Abraham followed him, leaving Ur, he would make him into a great nation and bless him, he will make his name great and that Abraham will be a blessing. God would bless those who blessed Abraham and curse those who cursed Abraham.

아브라함은결단했습니다. 갈대아우르를떠나겟다고말입니다. 선택적결정이아니라,아브람을아브라함되게만드시는하나님의탁월한결정을아브라함을통해우리는찿아낼수있습니다아브라함이갈대아우르를떠나는것은하나님의자연스러운연출입니다. 아브라함이하나님을선택할수밖에없었지만그배후에는그내면에는하나님의놀라운일하심이주권적섭리가가득져며있다는사실에놀라지않을수없습니다
So Abraham decides to leave Ur, Chaldeans. It was not a mere decision, but was a decision that made Abram, Abraham. Though Abraham had not much choice in his decision to leave, behind all this, internally, Abraham could not be but shocked at the work of God and his sovereign plan.

결국갈대아우르를떠나는것은아브라함의결단이나결정이아니라하나님께서그렇게할수밖에없도록만드신것이라는사실을읽어낼수잇습니다하나님의선택입니다. 하나님의결정입니다. 우리인생은결정은하나님께서하십니다. 우리의안고일어섬은하나님께서주도적으로연출해나가십니다. 믿고맡기고순종하고찬양하고영광을돌리며따라가기만하면됩니다.
Thus we can see that Abraham’s choice to leave Ur, was not a decision of him and himself but God had made the situation that Abraham could not but chose the decision. Therefore it was God’s decision. Our lives are decided by God. God plans our standing and our sitting down. It is our job to worship him and give him glory, and in faith, obediently follow his will.

아브라함으로결정이진행되었다면오늘본문의조카롯과다툼의문제는에당초일어나지않았을것입니다. 아브라함은오늘조카롯과의다툼의문제가왜일어났는지알고있었습니다.
If the decision to leave Ur was made by Abraham only, we would not see today’s passage where he is in a conflict with Lot. Abraham understands why he is in conflict with his nephew Lot.

아브라함과롯의가축이늘어나고많아졌기때문이라는것은표면적인것이며현상적인것입니다. 그문제가왜붉어졌는지는아브라함이알고있습니다. 그것은아브라함이온전히하나님을의지하지못하는불신에서부터일어났다는것을아브라함은예상하고있었습니다.
An ostensible reason was that both Lot and Abraham were wealthy and their cattle were increasing in number. Abraham also understood why this issue was becoming such as big deal. Abraham could guess that the conflict was built on him not being dependant on God and his because his faith was small.

갈대아우르를떠나올때아브르함은온전히하나님을의지하지못했습니다. 그많은재산,명예, 권력어떻게지켜나갈고....하나님께서아브라함에게네자손을하늘의별과같이많이지게하겠다바다의모래알처럼많아지게하겟다고약속하셨지만아브라함의마음한구석에는그사실을믿지못했습니다. 그불신의증표가조카롯입니다. 아브라함은만일하나님께서내게자녀를주시지않으면조카롯을나의상속자로삼아야겠다는의도를그를데리고온것입니다.
When Abraham left Ur, Chaldeans, Abraham was not fully dependant on God. He tried to protect his wealth, honour and power. Through God promised Abraham that his descendants would be as many as the stars in the sky and the sand in the sea, Abraham could not fully trust this promise. The evidence of his unbelief was his nephew Lot. Abraham brought Lot with him when he left Ur, in case God did not give him any offspring and thus needed Lot to inherit his wealth.

아브라함에게는그것이늘마음에걸렸던것입니다. 조카롯을볼때마다하나님께불편한마음을가지고있었던것입니다. 조카롯은하나님의말씀에대한불순종의증표였습니다. 그조짐이목자들간에간간히들려왔습니다.
To Abraham whenever he saw Lot, he saw his unbelief in the promise of God. Lot was Abrahams’ evidence of his unbelief of God’s word. And he could also see this when his men were in conflict with Lot’s men.

목자들이물문제때문에서로서로원성이높아지고다툼이된다는것입니다. 아브라함은이러한소리를들을때마다,롯은나의상속자가아니야!! 하나님은분명코나를통해자녀를주신다고했는데.하면서얼마나마음속깊이그문제를골머리아파했을까요?
When the servants were in conflict over the water resources, Abraham would continuously be reminded that Lot was not the one to inherit his fortune. God had promised him to give him an offspring. Having Lot around would have been a great problem for Abraham.

결국조카롯과물문제때문에담판을지으려고만났지만아브라함의선택은이미결정되어있었습니다. 그선택이조카롯에게우선선택권으로주어진것이었습니다. 이것은단순한물문제를해결하기위한선택이아니라는것을아브라함은알고있었습니다.
In the end, Abraham and Lot met together to solve the water problem for good, but Abraham had already made his decision. He decided to give Lot the first choice because Abraham understood that the source of this problem was not merely the lack of water resources.

내가좌하면우하고네가우하면좌하리라는아브라함이양보는하나님께서선택하시는대로따르겠습니다라는고백입니다. 더이상제가스스로선택을주도적으로하지않고하나님께서하시는선택을믿고따르고순종하겠습니다라는고백입니다.
“If you go left, I’ll go to the right; if you go to the right, I’ll go to the left” was Abraham’s way of saying to God that he would follow God’s will faithfully and obediently.

9절말씀을자세히보십시오. 이러한전제를염두에두고아브라함의고백을다시한번읽어보십시다9절입니다
Let us look at verse 9. Let us read the verse in light of what we have learned today.

9. 네앞에온땅이있지아니하냐나를떠나가라네가좌하면나는우하고네가우하면나는좌하리라
9. Is not the whole land before you? Let's part company. If you go to the left, I'll go to the right; if you go to the right, I'll go to the left."

아멘아브라함이무엇이라고말합니까? “나를떠나가라” 나를떠나가라는것입니다. 아브라함은하나님을불신하여데리고온조카는더이상하나님의뜻이아니라는사실을뼈져리게알고있는것입니다.
Amen. What does Abraham say? “Letspart company” this means ‘leave me’. Abraham now clearly understands that keeping his nephew who he brought with him because of his lack of faith in God’s promise – was not the will of God.

그리고계속해서조카인롯에게말합니다. “ 나를떠나가라네가좌하면나는우하고네가우하면나는좌하리라”If you go to the left, I'll go to the right; if you go to the right, I'll go to the left."네가왼쪽으로가면나는오늘쪽으로갈것이다. 네가오늘쪽으로가면나는왼쪽으로갈것이다할렐루야!
This is why Abraham says “let us part company, if you go to the left, I’ll go to the right; if you go to the right, I’ll go to the left.” Hallelujah.

What would you chose? Are there things in your life that you have made your decision upon yet? Then remember Abraham’s choice.

”If you go to the left, I'll go to the right; if you go to the right, I'll go to the left." 아브라함은깨달은것입니다. 더욱이아브라함의선택은그의사려깊은배려로결정된선택이아니라는것입니다. 조카롯에대한혈육에대한연민은더욱아니라는것입니다
“If you go to the Left, I’ll go to the right; if you go to the right, I’ll go to the left,” Abraham had understood. More than love and concession, his decision was based on something bigger than family blood ties.

그의결정은철저한하나님의선택적결정이었습니다. 하나님께서는종국에결국에끝끝에아브람을아브라함되게하시기위해조카롯과헤어지게하신것입니다. 조카롯은더이상아브라함의대를이을기업무를자가아닌것입니다. 이런귀한깨달음이있기를주님의이름으로축원드립니다.
Abraham’s decision was God’s decision. In order to be in God’s will Abraham had to leave Lot. Lot is no longer to inherit Abrahams wealth. I pray that you have understood God’s word to you today.



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